Saturday, December 19, 2009


I promised a summary to give those new to the blog up to date on what exactly our little "ghost story" is about (Click that and scroll to the bottom of the page and begin reading Part 1). So here it is. I definitely half assed it. Therefore you should start at the beginning and read.

Here's the breakdown of the story. There's tree guys: Zac, Stewart, and Alex. They are enjoying the high school life. Zac is a DJ with a steady flow of money and everything's nice. One day in English class they hear about a hunted house in England and Stewart just has to go. Three plane tickets to the UK later, the 3 of them are bunked down in the place for the night. Stewart decides to stay in the haunted room. He ends up being possessed by the ghost/demon. From there Stewart is trying his best to find out the extent of his newfound power, while Zac grows further and further away, not liking the idea of a evil spirit possessing his friend. Alex is still trying to decide which one he is going to to stick with. Eventually he sides temporarily with Stewart. All this time Zac is trying to figure out a way to destroy the demon without killing his friend. He gets a set of super powers of his own and eventually Stewart, Alex, and his demon kidnap his girlfriend and take her to Russia. Afterwards there are many adventure involving vampires, Dracula, and the devil himself, as well as the beginning of yet another tale told from the perspective of a fourth friend, Ramsey.

The rest is up to you to read and discover. If you enjoy tales of love, vampires, demons, super powers, magic, and lots of epic battle sequences, this is a story for you. Go back to the first one and begin your enjoyment.

Dr. Orange


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