Friday, December 18, 2009

First Climax?

Okay, first of all I'm sorry about my last post, I was slightly (prescription) medicated at the time and it seemed good when I was writing it...kind of. 

That isn't the reason for this post though, I finally got my internet up on my ps3 and started getting the demos I wanted. Thanks god.

I played the Bayonetta First Climax (I kid you not that is the name) demo and I was pleasantly surprised. When I first read about the game I got excited but then when I saw some of it I got a little disappointed and gave up on it. This was a last ditch effort to engage my excitement for this oncoming game, and it worked. 

Bayonetta herself is a leather clad sexy librarian looker, chick with guns galore and an infinite supply of ammunition. Fun stuff.

The demo has you play through (along with a tutorial) after your main character (Bayonetta) has gotten off a train. The train station used to be a temple etc. etc. Once you get off and go into the first area a few third tier archangels sprout up and start fighting you. The combat system is a little difficult to get used to in the beginning but as soon as you do you will be kicking ass. A few more of these spawn up and you have to kill them, and after that a Big Dumb second tier archangel comes up (big stuff always seems to be stupid in games, why can't they be like red hulk and smart?) After you fight him, which was easier to me than the other archangels (Bigger target, harder to miss), you have a final climax move. This move is a button series you push, where your leather clothes fly off of you and shoot up into the air forming a dragon that eats the archangel. There is a button pressing thing within this, not mandatory just for more points. All of your fights are rated in style and the combat system is a lot like God of War with guns. 

We will be seing a lot of God of War esque games it seems, but this one is like a love-child of God of war and Devil May Cry (any of em) with a hot female chick as the lead. Honestly, I'm looking forward to this game, It looks like it will be loads of fun.



The Russian said...

She's not leather clad, that's her hair man.

The Green Guy said...

holy fuck, so it is, in any event it is still a fun demo. i'll prolly buy the game