Sunday, December 13, 2009

Don't Mess with Dracula. Part 41

Ok. I woke up early just for that asshole, and he isn't even here. I've got some serious words for Dracula. When he gets here I'm gonna... frick fraggin frack franglin...

"Val. Wake up. It's past 7 and Dracula's not here, yet."

"What? Past seven?"

"Yeah. It's 7:45. I set my alarm on my phone early just for him and he's not even here yet."

"Zac. 7 at night."


"He meant 7 at night. He's a vampire. Why the fuck would a vampire wanna meet you at your house during the day?"


"Just go back to sleep."

Well... I feel dumb. Back to "La-La Land"...


Ok, it is 7:00 now. PM. I get Valentina up and we walk upstairs. Just as we get up there, the doorbell rings. It was Dracula. And a new horde of vampires. Wow.

"You multiplied pretty quickly there, bud."

"You get good at it after so many years. May I come in?"

"I don't know. Can you? Or does the Lord of the Vampires need permission? Haha."

Drac wasn't expecting that one. He was surprised, but also very displeased. Val grabbed me and pulled me out of the way.

"Stop being like that, Zac, dammit! Come on in, Dracula."

"I was just funnin' with him. He knows I was messing around. You do know I was just messing around, right Drac?"

"Yes. Of course."

Dracula walked in. You know, he said he knew i was being sarcastic, but he didn't look it. I think Dracula is mad at me. Oh well.

"Do you have a full-length mirror I can use?"

Drac is self-conscious about his looks? Seriously?

"Yeah, follow me."

I took him to one of the guest rooms. On side of the wall, there was a huge mirror.

"Is that good enough?"

"It's perfect. I'll see you in Birmingham. Come my followers! We go to face the hounds of Hell!"

Um... ok. A little dramatic, but... whoa... no way! The mirror waved like water, and when it settled there was an image of the inside of some house, presumably in Birmingham. Then he just walked through the mirror, and his horde of vampires followed close behind him. In a single file line. How cute.

"That guy never ceases to amaze me. Well, lets go. Ladies first."

Valentina walked through. Then I tried. I just ran into the mirror. What?

"Hey Drac, can't you open this thing back up for me or something?"

"Can I? I think I need permission. See you in Birmingham. Maybe tomorrow if your lucky, but we both know how flights are in Birmingham. Oh, and now were even."

"Damn you, Drac! Val! Open the mirror thingy, baby!"

"Nope. Can't do it. Only vampires can get through."

"Well, ride the plane with me, then."

"Nope. Can't risk flying into daylight. Besides, thats karma for messing with Dracula like that. See you when you get here."

And with that the mirror waved again, and in seconds all I saw was my reflection. One pissed off muthafucka with dreads and a trench coat. Damn it. To the airport.

When I get there, I get on the next plane to Birmingham. I settle down and get ready for hours of flying...

Dr. Orange


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