Sunday, December 6, 2009

I Am...the bat...

Well, we have our fourth and final poster, The Knight. He's a genuinely awesome dude and will be joining in on our epic adventures in that story. He will also be posting other random stuff as well, so I hope you enjoy.

I bought God of War Collection pack for the PS3 the other day, and man is it beautiful. The cinematic sequences are GORGEOUS, like more gorgeous than most newer games. Anyway, as I play my way through that we have a few new additions that will be featured on the blog.

We will have a game that we play during the day (we see each other all the time) that will be a fantasy/scifi/role playing game. We are going to post these games and their outcomes as they occur, so look out for those. We have a mix CD coming your way sometime with 3 songs and 9 remixes, 4 and 12 if The Knight wants to join in on that. Look out for some music, the animation is coming soon, and we might have some videotaped skits for you as well some time before the end of this year.

Happy B'day to Dr. Orange as well, and welcoming The Knight.

This has been the Green Guy, Thanks!


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