Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sorry for the delay...

Sorry for the delay, the Knight is out of town, and as of yesterday so is The Russian. I don't know exactly where Dr. Orange is, but sometime in the next week or so we are going to be back on track when we should be. There will be more posts for the story and other stuff as well. We are also going to finish editing our first volume that we can give to anyone who would like it. We will finish it up soon enough.

We are also going to make a few more changes to the blog, and add some cool pictures and stuff representing us. Anyway...

...see you later space cowboy.



Dr. Orange said...

I'm still alive and kickin'! And I'm still in Birmingham. And Modern Warfare 2 is the most amazing game ever. It makes Halo 3 look like Crash Bandicoot (which I admit was a good game, but I think you get my point). And this is truth. Go buy it. NOW.

The Russian said...

Zac you're a little late on the band wagon. Everybody knows how awesome MW2 is, come on that game came out more than a month ago.