Monday, November 16, 2009

When in Rome ... Part 3

I was awoken by the same scream that awoke Zac. The late night took its toll and it took me awhile to come to my senses and get out of the hazyness of waking up before you were meant to. I am slightly confused by the place I wake up at first and then remember the penthouse we rented with Zac's pay from last night. I make up way to the bathroom.

Thoroughly shocked by the presence of blood all over the left side of my body I quickly come to my senses and stumble out of the bathroom in search of answers.

I don't exactly remember if i brought a girl back or not but it was safe to assume that I did so I was left severely confused.

I see Zac went back to sleep on halfway falling off the couch he passed out on, man I wish I could sleep like that and FUCK YOU Stewart for whatever you did to that poor chick. You and that fucking spirit. I think Zac's planning something but doesn't want to mention anything about it.

I find myself at the entrance to Stewart's room .... all the furniture is pushed up against the walls with the rug left in the middle of the floor. Either Stewart got extremely kinky after that spirit did whatever it did or he just did something he wouldn't do on a regular basis, which actually might explain the blood.

After exploring the room and finding the rug making disgusting squishy noises and that the blood red rug is blood red for a reason, I find Stewart naked in the bathtub the bathroom is something you see from a horror film. I wake Stewart up hand him one of the local beers that I just realized I was carrying, sit on the bloody john.

"You do realize that we need to leave soon, you know how much they'll charge if they see this fucking mess man?!"

He wasn't happy to be awoken that early and just grumbles while drinking his beer at which time I hear another scream.

Close to the entrance door this time. As it turns out the chick Zac managed to bring in here before she passed out with him, on her extasy high, getting Zac nowhere yet again. Im sorry little dude maybe the next gig. He always manages to find the drugged up ones.

The blood is starting crust so I make my way to the shower, after I am cleaned, I start to ponder the fact why I had blood all over me.

Did I just help my best friend who is currently possesed by some maniacal spirit from a British haunted house murder a couple of hot chicks from Italy in my drunken stupor ..... am I that fucking stupid when drunk or was she that bad of a lay. Damn my dilemma for the day has come to me this early in .... it is going to be a LONG day.

Fuck I need to get that chick to calm down I think she's about to give me a headache.


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