Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wet blankets and things that go BOO!

..... and yet again it is Halloween time. Don't get me wrong its a great time and all, seeing all those "costumes" (aka great excuses for everyone to show of their nature given treasures) but yea its been an interesting weekend. Went camping with my girlfriend after school Friday, that was fun, got completely soaked from the rain before we even got in the tent. Then we saw the error of our tent costructing ways and had to fix the damn thing in the rain so we didnt drown in the middle of the night, the rest of the night can be imagined by your good imagination except for the paranoia ensued by the random strangers walking around with flash lights and a strange minivan driving around the place, needless to say, she was paranoid and i think slightly terrified for the rest of the night. The cold and the moistness of the blankets and everything really contributed to some shitty sleep, general synopsis of that, the women folk still confuse the shit out of me. Most of saturday was pretty shitty i was tired as shit, i was sore as shit, and i had to ride around with my family buying shit so we didnt starve ... but i had my dinosaur jacket on so i was fucking awesome, people kept staring and giving me weird looks, needless to say I will be wearing that jackets soooo often now, until it gets unbearably cold for it, if it does. that brind me to saturday night, didnt really want to go party with a bunch of total strangers and my mother so i decided to go visit the pretty lady i decided to camp with the night prior. We started watching Dead Silence but she couldnt pass through even 40 minutes and we ended up watching The Ninth Gate, pretty good Depp movie, but not before i legitimately scared her and made her scream so the whole house could hear, that was fun. Ended up passing out on her couch, which apparently smells like me now. next morning was pretty uneventful, she had to play for church, i had a good debate whether to go or not but i didnt think i could go to church in the state i was in, so i went hope and proceded with my usual sunday Tea-Fest, the amounts of hot tea i consume on sundays is pretty staggering, anywas yea which bring me basically to now, sitting here chilling with a shitty headache, time to get some sleep, or stare at my lava lamp until my eyes are too tired to stay open.

On a separate note, my recent introduction to dubstep has pretty much exploded to become my new music phase which kind of makes sense to make a transition from ambient and psytrance, maybe i need to find some DnB next, but yea some great rap dubstep remixes out there, makes rap actually bearable to listen to even if only for the amazingly catchy beats ... thats all

I was gonna put a quote here but for some reason they all suck to me right now so yea

The Russian

Also theres a pic of my costume above, the indifferent dinosaur, he might eat you he might not, even he doesnt know


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