Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Of course....

Of course I'm in the middle of the title. I just realized it changed from "The Russian and the Green Guy" up there to including Dr. Orange. I'm sandwiched.

Well... for all you well to do people out there, here is something random, a small game.

Try to say, with a very serious face, these phrases:

"The environment (long pause) is no laughing matter."

"I'm sorry sir, but you have a lethal disease (long pause) from your penis."

and also I'd like for you to think to yourself what word you would like me to use instead of cursing from now on, go on, pick one and let me know.

I won't use it on here, that'd be retarded, but I will record the best quotes of the day that come out of me substituting it instead of cursing, so yeah...fuckers.


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