Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Greeter, The Cook and The Doctor Walk Into A Bar ... Part 75

"I see you finished the challenge ... I must admit, I am quite impressed you chose to continue on in your condition."

"My condition?"

"Yes. The wound and fatigue that you acquired from the first two challenges."

"Those were just puzzles. Puzzles are easy. This last room was a challenge. Seriously, where the hell did you find robots like that?" 

"They came with the place."

" ... but I thought you were the native people to this place."

"People, yes. Inhabitants, no."

"How the hell did you win against them and take over."

"That is a story for another time. How about we go look at that leg of yours."

With those words the memory of the wound in my calf struck like lightning into the back of my head exploding in a thunderous headache. My stance faltered but I managed to stay on my feet. The old man was holding me up with his cane under my armpit. I stabilized and he threw the cane at me and began to walk away with no falter in his step. I was severely confused but grabbed the cane before it hit my nose and started to walk through the doors. I was not surprised to find yet another long poorly lit hallway. The old man was greatly ahead of me and in an attempt to catch up I nearly slipped and fell several times due to the cane sliding around the floor. It appeared to be more of a harm then help. Maybe that's why the old man was constantly limping, cause of this crazy cane. Eventually I managed to learn to control the cane and quickly caught up to the old man.

We entered a small room filled with many utensils and gadgets and papers all scattered all over the place.

"What is this place?"

"This is my office. Now hop on a table somewhere, let's look at that leg of yours."

"Wait .... you're the doctor?"


"Since when are doctors also the greeters. Isn't there different people for that, and you could have helped me with the leg."

"Well I'm not only the doctor and the greeter, and I could have helped you with the leg, yes, but only here can I neutralize the poison flowing through your veins."

"Let me guess. You are also the cook?"

"Don't speak such nonsense. We no longer need such necessities."

I was confused and absolutely lost.

"... What are you?"

"Your guide, companion, doctor .... whatever you wish me to be."

"Ok, well currently you can be my doctor but please tell me more, I am still quite confused about the whole situation."

"We have been stuck in this abandoned city for hundreds of years. The gods were not happy with our advances as a society and trapped us under the weight of the ocean."

"You keep saying 'We'. What is that all about?"

"I hold the memories and knowledge of all of our people. We have roamed this underwater prison for years upon years but when people begun to die the gods weren't happy. They believed we needed a harsher punishment and imprisoned us all in this body and allowed us to only materialize within the main alcove. Through which you entered."

"So how are you here now?"

"You remember that card?"

"Yea the soul card, or whatever that was."

"That is the soul of this body. It is the most important card, it gives you the ability to call us whenever you desire and we will assist you in whichever way you require."

"Is there an appearance option. I don't have anything against the old guy but old is not really my style."

"We can delve deeper into that at a later time. Now lie down and relax your leg. I need to wash it, it might hurt. The wound has started to close and I still have to remove the little pieces of the arrow that you didn't take out. You could have at least filed it apart. There was no need in breaking the arrow."

"Well, it seemed to be a smart enough idea at the time."

"This smart idea of your will cause much pain to you now, but to bring you some comfort your friends are looking for you. They will be here shortly."

"How would you posses such information."

"Well, when the gods decided to punish us and trap us here, the underworld became quite interested in our state of affairs. You know them, they're also outcasts and like to keep tabs on possible allies and we aren't stupid enough not to keep in touch with personages of such influence."

"I see, you keep in touch with the leaders of the underworld."

"Not the leaders, just some of the higher ups. The leaders are busy entities."

"Is it alright with you if I take the cane, it's quite badass."

"Not at all. We have no use for this place now, we now constantly roam the void until you choose to call for us."

" Is there a way that I can just constantly have you around? The whole void thing doesn't sound very pleasant."

"We would be quite grateful if you chose to do that. We are not looking forward to our bleak existence in the void."

"You are welcome to go wherever you want outside here. We will find a way to communicate some time later."

The old man continued to work on my leg. I felt something thick flow through my veins and make it's way throughout my body.

"The poison is slowly dying. You will be back to normal in some time and we can use the accelerator to speed up the healing of the leg. It should be find by the time your friends arrive."


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