Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Calm... Part 86

I'm awake. Man, I was really motherfucking tired... If i was still a normal person I'd probably sore as hell. Lovin' this healing factor. In spite of everything that's gone down, I'm relatively content right now. My girl is back. First win of the year. I'm far from being absolved, but i feel like now I've made progress towards making up for my failures.

I walk into the next room to find two of the most beautiful people in the world . Valentina and Maria are just chillin' on the couch like nothing ever happened, and I join them. We spend the entire day in a Star Wars marathon. Every. Single. Movie. Not that the prequels are all that good, but being able to something normal was just amazing. This is how life is supposed to be. By the end of Episode 6 we were all passed out on the couch. More sleep. Mmmmm...

"Damn man, you're out cold."


I look up groggily and I see Alex standing over me.

"What the fuck are you doing here man? I haven't seen you since that time I almost vomited heart all over you."

"I'm actually here for the Count's scrolls. It's about time we had an ace in the hole."

"Oh shit! I had completely forgotten... They're in that sack on my dresser. Fuck it, just take the whole thing, I'm not using it. Tell Drac I said wuzup when you see him."

With that I closed my eyes and tried to drift back into a deep sleep. Wait... was that a... I couldv'e sworn I saw something big and black run past the window with a low growl. Was that a fucking panther? I stumbled to my feet with my eyes still foggy with sleep. I opened the glass door to the porch and looked out. All I saw was a murder of crows flying in the opposite direction. I guess I was hallucinating... Sleepy time... Fast Forward>>

Finally awake. And this time I'm not tired anymore. I guess I might as well start planning this whole new world of my own creation thing. The truth is, If i could choose I would just pick the 4 of us guys, Val, Maria, and a bunch of other fine females and just have a utopia. No drama. But life isn't quite that simple anymore...

What's up with me? Am I getting depressed again? Fuck that! Imma get some help planning this new dimension. Wait, they aren't here...

"Where the fuck did those crazy bitches go?"

I realize its pitch dark and Val and Maria are nowhere to be found. I grab my sword and  walk outside. You know, I'm ready for a good fight. Haven't had one in a while.

That's one thing I need. A huge fucking arena where badasses go to fight. Anyone who has a serious dispute in my world will have the option of fighting to settle it. A good start. I'll make a mental note of that right next to the one about the river of chocolate and getting someone to clean out the Kraken tank. Someone brave.

Now that I think about it, it would be really epic if my dimension was like the comic books. So Imma have two earths, one from the DC universe, one from the Marvel universe. No fuck it, Imma have an entire fucking multiverse two of which will be the Marvel and DC universes respectively. And I mean down to every little detail. Hell Yeah. I wonder where Ramsey is. I haven't seen much of him lately either... Where the hell are they?

"Val! Maria! Where the are you?"

"Over here!"

I turn to see them on the beach waving at me.

"Oh... Well ok."

At that moment, I thought I noticed some movement in the water... Nah... I'm just seeing things again. I look at Val. She gives me a confused look. She saw it too.

"Girls... um... you might wanna get away from the beach now..."

As they get up to come back inside I see two eyes hit the surface of the water. Those eyes look like they belong to something huge and violent. Fuck yeah! Looks like another good fight. This'll take my mind off of things.

Dr. Orange


Friday, January 28, 2011

What The Hell Are All These Squiggly Lines? ... Part 85

"What are we doing back here?"

"I needed some place to go and this is kind of the only place I have."

"Why did you choose this place? You have mountains and crystal caves and undiscovered abandoned ruins, but you choose to meditate here."

"It's the only place that makes sense. No one can find me here. If we were playing hide and seek, I would never lose."

"It is not my job to question your decisions. I was just curious to know why we were back ....... here."

"It's still your home. You don't have to refer to it as some foreign place."

"This has stopped being a home for us some time ago. We like to refer to it as our prison."

"I understand. I apologize for bringing you here then, we will leave as soon as I am ready."

"No need to apologize, you didn't force us to come here. We are here voluntarily to update you on our assignment."


"The scrolls, sir."

"Oh shit, all this training made me completely lose focus. What news do you have?"

"We have them in our possession."

I felt as if this was a joke. All the time I spent getting these scrolls and Raven just assembles them and brings them forth. If it was anyone else, I wouldn't have believed them but Raven doesn't seem to have a sense of humor. That is definitely something to work on.

"Wow, in that case could you please take a more humanoid form. It feels rather weird to talk to a panther."

The transformation was almost instantaneous. The form Raven took was rather peculiar. The female form looked familiar but at the same time no name came to mind.

"Is this satisfactory?"

"Yea thats great, who's form is that?"

"It is a combination of the forms of our people and the forms of the population that we encountered on our journey."

"You really know how to put on a show."

"Thank you, now are the lights off for a reason?"


"Yes, the lights. We're going to go look if the training rooms have been repaired and turn the lights on. We apologize for interrupting your meditation."

"It's perfectly alright, but before you go, could I get those scrolls?"


Raven walked off into the distance. After Raven disappeared from sight a clicking sounds started to echo throughout the room. The clicking paused and the door closed shut. I assume Raven took the form of the old man for old times sake. The lights came on shortly after the door closed and I laid out all the scrolls and the heart of Dracula before me. It took several minutes of looking in amazement at this collage before I realized that I had absolutely no idea what the scrolls had to say. I can't believe I had half of them all this time and never bothered to look at them. Why can't something be easy for once. I needed to find someone who knew what was on these scrolls. Just as the thought took place in my head the doors behind me opened and the clicking of the cane resumed to echo in the room. It was a hell of a chance but it was a chance that couldn't be wasted.

"We see you finally looked at those scrolls."


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

And so the story continues ... Part 84

It has been several months since I began my training as a horseman and I must admit, it was rather entertaining at the beginning. Animals waging wars and humans battling to their dying breath with nerf guns is entertaining but does eventually get boring, but no matter how fun everything has to come to an end. As I killed of  the remainder  of the cows that were winning in yet another cow/horse mini-war I decided that it was time to head back and that my powers were under enough control for now. I set out to the underworld.

Which was surprisingly empty. I was rather confused, everyone was gone. No minions in sight, no generals, no advisors. Every room was empty and still as if no one had entered them since we all separated. I couldn't help but feel lost and confused. What has happened since our departure? Where is everyone? Why is the underworld so ..... dead? Questions flooded my mind and the lack of answers brought a fog to my head. I was walking aimlessly from room to room hoping to find any sign of life or death but none appeared. Even the news held no answers but did have an interesting bit on some exploding nebula that might create a second sun. Sounded like a complete load of shit to me but who knows, anything is possible. 

After awhile I gave up my search and went to my room. Nothing had been moved, even the crumbs from something I ate before leaving.

It felt like a dream. It could only be described as a vivid scene constructed by my subconscious and I wanted to believe that it was but everything was so real. I wanted to deny what I was seeing but it was right in front of me. The empty void that used to be so full of death. The stillness is surreal in comparison to the busyness of the place before I left, granted it was going through a change in management. I knew I couldn't stay here, it was too quiet, too still. 

I pulled a portal from my jacket. The motions have almost become fluid from practice. It was the last place I wanted to go but at the same time, it was the only place to go. All I could do was close my eyes and step through the portal.

The rushing currents welcomed me. It seemed like the whole city was aware that I had arrived, or maybe it was just the souls of the previous residents in the pocket of my jacket. It was nice to feel welcomed nonetheless, even if it was in the most solitary place no one knows exist.

I opened my eyes to complete darkness. I hadn't anticipated the time. I wasn't tired but felt exhausted. I pulled out something that glowed and a mat to sit on. I sat and began to meditate. 

The world slowly drifted further away, all the cares were dissolving and any thought of the mission that was ahead siphoned out of my mind. It would be an understatement to call the feeling bliss. All I knew is that I didn't have a care in the world and that I was alone in the most secluded place on Earth. So I did the only thing to do.

I waited.

The Russian
